

Science-based climate action 

KMD Brands is committed to science-based climate action, we’ve had our climate targets validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative and we’re transitioning to a low-carbon future.  

The SBTi is a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute and the World Wide Fund for Nature to drive ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling organisations to set science-based emissions reduction targets.  

We report our progress against our science-based target in our Annual Integrated Report and CDP disclosures. Our latest CDP report can be viewed here.

Our goals: 

Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by at least 47% by 31 July 2030, from a FY19 base year

Our target for Scope 1 and 2 emissions reduction is set in line with the trajectory needed to keep global warming to 1.5 ºC. By conducting energy audits across significant parts of our offices, distribution centres and store network, we’ve identified opportunities and formed a roadmap for emission reduction through investment in cost-effective onsite solar and energy efficiency projects.   

Reduce absolute Scope 3 emissions by at least 28% by 31 July 2030 from a FY19 base year *  

Our target for Scope 3 emissions reduction is set in line with the trajectory needed to keep global warming to “well-below 2ºC”. We are working closely with our suppliers to obtain better information about the Scope 3 emission reduction opportunities in our supply chain. Our continuous dedication to our own-brand products being responsibly sourced and our focus on material innovation will also contribute towards reducing the emissions produced in the manufacture of our products. As we identify these initiatives to support our suppliers to adopt lower impact processes and transition to renewable energy opportunities, we will revisit the ambition of our Scope 3 reduction targets. 

*Our Scope 3 target includes the following GHG Protocol categories: purchased goods and services, fuel and energy related activities, upstream transportation and distribution, waste generated in operations, use of sold products, end of life treatment of sold products, and investments. 

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