

Circular business models 

Our brands are focussed on imbedding circular thinking into the design of our products along with our wider business processes and we are committed to fostering and investing in collaborative, innovative systems to eliminate the linear take-make-waste approach to business and keep resources in use. We are committed to protecting our planet’s natural capitals by preserving and protecting biodiversity and natural ecosystems. Each of our brands have their own unique product category challenges and opportunities and we will work together to learn, educate and combine our collective knowledge to achieve our goals. The challenges are substantial, but the opportunities are endless as we ultimately work towards a future where we have an end of life solution for all our products.  

Our goals: 

Commercialised brand-led circular business models for product take back, renewal, repair, re-commerce or recycling  

Each of our brands are dedicated to keeping the resources that go into our products in use longer, through extending the life of product through repair or by refurbishing product for a new lifecycle. This starts with the design of our products and exploring opportunities to use resources differently.  

Dedicated to our own-brand products being responsibly sourced  

Each of our brands is on a journey to increase the responsible material content in our products. To us, ‘responsibly sourced’ means that our products are made, to a significant degree, with environmentally preferred, low climate impact materials, being materials that are regenerative, recycled or recyclable, bio-based, biodegradable, responsibly farmed or grown. This goal will be progressed at a different pace, and in different ways, for each of our brands. As a group of brands, we are focussed on continual progression towards responsibly sourced materials for all our own-brand products. 

 Reduced operational and packaging waste including: 

1. Diversion of 90% of waste to landfill from our direct operations by 2030 

2. All primary and secondary packaging and promotional material is recyclable or made using recycled materials by 2030 

We are committed to reducing the waste footprint created across our businesses. Through adopting a philosophy of waste elimination by design we refuse unnecessary waste, reduce the waste we produce wherever possible and focus on repurposing and recycling of resources.  

Communities, Climate and Circularity

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